AQW: Perfectionism

A Quick Word on: Perfectionism

As I write this, I’m 36 hours away from going on holiday with my family. There is a task sitting on my to-do list that really MUST get done before we go. It’s been sitting there for weeks. And I’ve been revisiting it each day, picking at the sides of it. Organising and reorganising how I might tackle it. It’s sizeable, so I’ve broken it into managable chunks, like all the productivity experts tell you to do.

And yet, there it sits.

It’s as if it’s stuck there, unable to move. And I feel stuck too.

When I peel back ALLLLLLL the layers, I know what’s stopping me from making real progress on this task. I’m afraid I won’t do a good enough job at it. I’m afraid it won’t be perfect. And that would be embarrassing.

The desire for ‘perfect’ is keeping me stuck in a place of inaction. And as the deadline looms, ‘perfect’ is creating more anxiety, which makes me want to do the damn thing even less.

Yes, for me, and so many people I know, perfectionism and procrastination go hand in hand.

As a business person, this is maddening. The desire for ‘perfect’ stifles my creativity and makes a thing - that COULD be kind of fun - something I just want to get over and done with. It costs me time, growth and fun.

As a coach, I find it pretty fascinating. With my coach hat on, this is an opportunity to simply allow all the feels that are holding me back. To regroup, and when I feel ready, get curious about how to release some of the perfectionism in this moment.

[Gets up for a break.]

So, let me tell you what I just did. I used one of my favourite tools for regulating my nervous system (voo breathing - google it!)*. I grabbed my journal, and this is what came out:

This work is a reflection of me.

And I am not perfect.

I don’t want perfect.

I want me.

I have to say, I feel pretty great. And I kinda want to go and get stuck into this task while I’m in this vibe!

Before I go - for my fellow recovering perfectionists out there - the question I invite you (and me!) to consider this week is:

How is the idea of ‘perfect’ serving you? What is it costing you?

As always, I'd love to hear what comes up for you when you read this.  In particular, what helps YOU to get unstuck out of procrastination? Just hit reply - I respond to every email.

Rooting for you, 


P.S. In case you missed it, enrolment for Progress with Purpose (a 6-week online and self-paced course designed to support female leaders to create a gameplan for their next chapter) opens on April 16th!  If this sounds remotely interesting to you, I highly recommend you join the waitlist.  Doing so will ensure you receive a discount code for 25% off the course (£100 / $125 savings) that you can use should you choose to enrol on April 16th.

P.P.S. I’ve got a few other favourite tools I use to step into my full power! You can check them out HERE.

P.P.P.S. Always feel free to get in touch if the spirit moves you or to share this with a friend if you think it might resonate!


What it takes to be happy.


Slogging it 👉 Bossing It